Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd revisited

Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd revisited

Authors Richard Stevens

ISSN: 1996-2207
Affiliations: Affiliated with the University of Stellenbosch
Source: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Issue 1, 2019, p. 78 – 90


KUWAIT ASIA BANK EC v NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE NOMINEES LTD HERBESOEK: DIE MOONTLIKE MIDDELLIKE AANSPREEKLIKHEID VAN ‘N HOUERMAATSKAPPY VIR DELIKTE VAN SY GENOMINEERDE DIREKTEUR OP DIE DIREKSIE VAN ‘N FILIAAL VAN DIE HOUER In Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd is beslis dat ‘n houermaatskappy nie middellik aanspreeklik gehou kan word vir die deliktuele skade, wat sy genomineerde direkteur (wat ‘n werknemer van die houer is) op die direksie van sy filiaal vir die filiaal veroorsaak nie. Die outeur ondersoek of hierdie saak nog hedendaags dieselfde beslis sal word. In Van der Berg v Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Pty) Ltd skep die hoogste hof van app\xc3\xa8l die indruk dat daar wel sodanige aanspreeklikheid in die gegewe konteks mag wees. Die outeur toon dat die hof in hierdie geval slegs die arbeidsregtelike verhouding tussen die houer/werkgewer en die direkteur/werknemer oorweeg het om die vraag van middellike aanspreeklikheid te oorweeg sonder om die impak van ander regsnorme te oorweeg. In Public Investment Corporation Ltd v Bodigelo noem die hof dat ‘n direkteur in sy hoedanigheid as werknemer deur die aandeelhouer aangestel is en skep dus ook die indruk dat sou sodanige direkteur skade vir die maatskappy, waar hy as direkteur dien, veroorsaak, die aanstellende maatskappy middellik aanspreeklik sou wees. Die gevolgtrekking wat gemaak word, is dat ‘n hof nie die vraag van middellike aanspreeklikheid bloot op grond van die diensverhouding tussen die houer en die direkteur kan beantwoord nie. ‘n Hof behoort ook, soos in die Kuwait Bank-saak, die maatskappyregtelike werklikheid, naamlik dat die houer nie ‘n direkteur van die filiaal mag wees nie en dus genoop is om ‘n natuurlike persoon as direkteur aan te stel, te oorweeg. Die verhouding is egter dan nie een van werkgewer/werknemer nie, maar die unieke verhouding tussen ‘n aandeelhouer en ‘n direkteur wat deur die aandeelhouers verkies word. Die toets vir middellike aanspreeklikheid kan dus nie net vanuit ‘n arbeidsregtelike oogpunt beskou word nie, maar ook vanuit ‘n maatskappyregtelike oogpunt soos in die Kuwait Bank-saak.

Die regsrelevansie van owerspel: quo vadis?

Die regsrelevansie van owerspel: quo vadis?

Authors J Neethling, JM Potgieter

ISSN: 1996-2207
Affiliations: Affiliated with the University of the Free State; Affiliated with the University of South Africa
Source: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Issue 1, 2019, p. 63 – 77


THE LEGAL RELEVANCE OF ADULTERY: QUO VADIS? At common law, adultery constituted an actionable iniuria against the innocent spouse. In RH v DE and DE v RH the supreme court of appeal and the constitutional court made a radical turnabout. On the basis that the court has a duty to develop the law in accordance with contemporary boni mores as delictual criterion for wrongfulness and the bill of rights, both courts came to the conclusion that, in the light of the boni mores, adultery can no longer be regarded as wrongful, and that it may accordingly no longer ground the actio iniuriarum. This conclusion is supported by the majority of South African writers and most Western countries. Some of the other reasons for this finding were found to be as follows: the origin of the action is archaic as the husband was considered to have some proprietary interest in his wife and, later, because of the view that both husband and wife were entitled to the sole use of each other’s body; it is a clear anomaly that the action is available against the third party only and not against the adulterous spouse; the action for adultery does not protect the institution of marriage and also does not have a deterrent effect against adultery; even though the innocent spouse’s feelings (of dignity) may be subjectively infringed by the adultery, a reasonable person would not be hurt by the adultery and it is therefore not wrongful; the hurt and harm brought about by the action (for example, for the children involved and the defendant) would far outweigh the advantage which the action may have for the innocent spouse; and the constitutional rights to freedom and security of the person, privacy and freedom of association of the adulterous spouse and the third party do not necessarily weigh less than the right to human dignity of the innocent spouse just because they have committed adultery. Nevertheless, adultery remains relevant where the circumstances surrounding the adultery were of such a nature that it may be regarded as an actionable iniuria. Thus, adultery-related conduct which is of an insulting nature or infringes the victim’s feelings, should in appropriate circumstances amount to the iniuriae insult and injury to feelings. Furthermore, an allegation that a person committed adultery, should in principle constitute actionable defamation. The action for pain and suffering should also remain available where the conduct relating to adultery causes, for example, emotional shock with accompanying psychological lesion. In addition, the innocent spouse should be able to institute a claim with the Aquilian action for patrimonial loss, such as expenses for the supervision of the household and children. Adultery also remains relevant for divorce law as it may still indicate that the marriage has broken down irretrievably and can be taken into account as a factor affecting the redistribution of assets and the forfeiture of patrimonial benefits. Finally, it is submitted that enticement (which is often accompanied with adultery) should be retained in our law as an independent cause of action. Although the legal condemnation of adultery has softened manifestly, marriage fidelity is still highly regarded on the basis of the community’s moral and religious convictions. Accordingly, marriage infidelity as a result of adultery is still condemned and considered blameworthy on such grounds. It is therefore understandable that adultery remains relevant in certain areas of the law as well, as pointed out in this contribution.

The challenges in relation to undocumented abandoned children in South Africa

The challenges in relation to undocumented abandoned children in South Africa

Authors Amanda Boniface, Whitney Rosenberg

ISSN: 1996-2207
Affiliations: Affiliated with the University of Johannesburg
Source: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Issue 1, 2019, p. 41 – 62


DIE UITDAGINGS IN VERBAND MET ONGEDOKUMENTEERDE KINDERS IN SUID-AFRIKA ‘n Groot aantal kinders in Suid-Afrika val binne die kategorie van ongedokumenteerde kinders. Dit is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van Suid-Afrika se verouderde wetgewing in verband met burgerskap en die toepassing van hierdie wetgewing. Die impak van hierdie probleem strek verder as buitelanders en sluit ook Suid-Afrikaanse kinders in. In hierdie artikel ondersoek die outeurs die probleem deur die bepalings van die Kinderwet (Children’s Act) 38 van 2005, die geboorteregistrasieproses in Suid-Afrika en die implikasies van "veilige-hawe"-wette te analiseer. In die bydrae word verwys na Naki v Director-General: Department of Home Affairs waar die hof moes besluit of artikel 9 en 10 van die Wet op die Registrasie van Geboortes en Sterftes 51 van 1992 (en sub-regulasies (3) en (5) van regulasies 3, 4 en 5 en sub-regulasie (1) van regulasie 12) ge\xc3\xafnterpreteer moet word op ‘n manier wat effek gee aan die regte van kinders soos vervat in artikels 28(1) en (2) van die grondwet. Derhalwe het waarnemende regter Bodlani beveel dat die betrokke regulasies en sub-regulasies (te wete sub-regulasie (3)(f) en (i) en (5) tot regulasies 3, 4 en 5 sowel as sub-regulasie (i) van regulasie 12) ongrondwetlik is. Vergelykbare regsbepalings van die Verenigde State van Amerika, sowel as Duitsland, word ondersoek. Daarbenewens word die bepalings van verskeie internasionale konvensies wat verband hou met hierdie aangeleenthede aangeraak. Aanbevelings wat gemaak word, sluit in dat die Duitse reg, sowel as die wette van die Verenigde State van Amerika, goeie voorbeelde is van state wat beskerming verleen aan ongedokumenteerde kinders teen moontlike diskriminasie. Daar word aangevoer dat soortgelyke bepalings met vrug ook in Suid-Afrika gebruik kan word. Daar word ook voorgestel dat vermoede in die Duitse reg dat elke kind wel ‘n Duitse burger is, deur die Suid-Afrikaanse reg nagevolg behoort te word. Hierdie vermoede sou dus behels dat alle kinders wat in Suid-Afrika gebore word, veronderstel moet word om Suid-Afrikaanse burgers te wees, tensy die teenoorgestelde bewys word. Alternatiewelik word aangevoer dat ongedokumenteerde kinders, soos in die Verenigde State van Amerika, "Special Immigrant Juvenile Status" behoort te geniet en aldus op die regte van burgers aanspraak moet kan maak. Geen kind in Suid-Afrika behoort dus ongedokumenteer gelaat te word nie. Elke kind, ongeag sy of haar nasionaliteit, behoort die basiese regte wat gewaarborg word in die Suid-Afrikaanse grondwet te kan geniet en te kan afdwing.

Die soepelheid van die eiendomsbegrip in die trustreg

Die soepelheid van die eiendomsbegrip in die trustreg

Authors MJ De Waal

ISSN: 1996-2207
Affiliations: Affiliated with the University of Stellenbosch
Source: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Issue 1, 2019, p. 25 – 40


THE FLEXIBILITY OF THE OWNERSHIP CONCEPT IN THE LAW OF TRUSTS The trust as an institution that has developed in the common law and in some of the mixed legal systems (such as South Africa, Scotland and Quebec) is characterised by its pervasiveness in a wide range of personal and commercial contexts. This means that the trust in its true form can be employed in a wide range of contexts and for a variety of purposes, thus displaying what has been described as its "chameleon-like" quality. This contrasts with the trust in its "diluted" form (as frequently encountered in Continental Europe), which features some trust-like properties, but lacks the flexibility typically associated with the common-law trust as described above. It is argued that the flexibility of the trust in its true form is facilitated by, among others, the flexibility of the ownership concept in the law of trusts. In relation to the South African trust model, this phenomenon is illustrated in at least three specific areas of trust law. The first concerns the basic principle that, in civilian or mixed legal systems, the trust is not based on split ownership between the trustee and the trust beneficiary, but on the notion that the trustee owns assets in two separate estates (or patrimonies), that is, the trust estate and the trustee’s personal estate. Ownership in these two estates is treated in a remarkably flexible fashion — thus, for example, it enables the courts to craft new remedies in instances of so-called trust abuse. The second area concerns the very basic question as to where ownership must be vested in a trust. Here, South African law recognises a very peculiar trust type — the so-called bewind trust — under which ownership is vested not in the trustee, but in the trust beneficiary. This shift of ownership towards the trust beneficiary contributes to the flexibility of the trust institution and facilitates the use of trusts in new areas. The third area deals with the type of joint ownership that exists among co-trustees in a trust where there is more than one trustee (which is normally the case). In South Africa, the traditional forms of co-ownership do not explain the automatic transfer of ownership to co-trustees in the event of, for example, the death of one of the co-trustees. Research has shown that South African law has in this context probably accommodated the English law concept of joint tenancy, with its corollary of the rule of survivorship. This would explain what happens among co-trustees in the circumstances described and it once again illustrates the ability of the trust system to depart from established norms as far as the ownership concept is concerned. It nevertheless remains a challenge to explain the flexibility of the ownership concept in the law of trusts. In South Africa, this is sometimes done by attaching certain labels to the trustee’s ownership, such as "bare ownership", "ex officio ownership" or even "legal ownership". Other attempts have focused on the concept of "fiduciary ownership", unpacking it in the context of trusts. However, an extremely useful insight has been that provided by those authors who have argued that the common law has been able to accommodate the trust in its "true" form because of its "anti-conceptual" approach to property or, put differently, "its power to break fundamental rules of the legal system within which it operates". It is argued that South African law has shown the capacity to do exactly this with regard to its treatment of ownership in the law of trusts. This capacity has probably been facilitated by the fact that the English common-law trust was initially received into South African law, but later transformed in a pragmatic (and typically common-law) case-by-case fashion to align itself with well-known civilian institutions already recognised in the system.

The expansion of the state’s liability for harm arising from medical malpractice

The expansion of the state’s liability for harm arising from medical malpractice

Authors AB Wessels

ISSN: 1996-2207
Affiliations: Affiliated with the University of Stellenbosch
Source: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Issue 1, 2019, p. 1 – 24


DIE UITDYENDE STAATSAANSPREEKLIKHEID VIR SKADE VOORTSPRUITEND UIT MEDIESE WANPRAKTYKE: ONDERLIGGENDE REDES, NADELIGE GEVOLGE EN POTENSI\xc3\x8bLE HERVORMING Suid-Afrika het nie ‘n statut\xc3\xaare vergoedingskema vir skade wat voorspruit uit mediese wanpraktyke nie. Slagoffers wat in hierdie konteks skade ly, moet gemeenregtelike deliktuele of kontraktuele eise in ‘n siviele hof instel in ‘n poging om vergoeding te verkry. Hulle word nie bygestaan deur ‘n omkering van die bewyslas nie en dus moet hulle alle elemente van aanspreeklikheid op ‘n oorwig van waarskynlikheid bewys. Hulle kan die eis instel teen die persoon wat verantwoordelik is vir hul skade, of hulle kan probeer om laasgenoemde se werkgewer middellik aanspreeklik te hou. Dit blyk dat die meeste slagoffers deliktuele verrigtinge instel teen die werkgewer van die persoon wat hul skade op skuldige en onregmatige wyse veroorsaak het. Ten spyte daarvan dat die eiser deur besondere uitdagings in die gesig gestaar word in sover dit die bewys van feitelike kousaliteit en nalatigheid aangaan, sien ons in die afgelope dekade ‘n beduidende toename in mediese wanpraktyk-litigasie. Daarmee saam kan ‘n merkwaardige uitbreiding van staatsaanspreeklikheid waargeneem word vir skade wat voortspruit uit mediese wanpraktyke in die openbare gesondheidsorgsektor. Teen hierdie agtergrond is die Suid-Afrikaanse Regshervormingskommissie aangewys om moontlike hervormingsmoontlikhede te ondersoek. Die kommissie het ‘n reeks moontlike hervormingsopsies ge\xc3\xafdentifiseer, maar het nie ‘n finale, afsluitende aanbeveling in hierdie verband gemaak nie. Die tussentydse voorstel vir die wysiging van die Wet op Staatsaanspreeklikheid, wat hoofsaaklik daarop gemik is om gestruktureerde skikkings moontlik te maak, is aan die nasionale vergadering voorgel\xc3\xaa, maar dit is nog nie bekragtig nie. Hierdie artikel evalueer hierdie hervormingsopsies, asook die moontlikheid van geregtelike hervorming van die reg aangaande aanspreeklikheid voortvloeiend uit mediese wanpraktyke.