Call for Papers

The following journals are currently calling for papers

South African Intellectual Property Law Journal – Volume 12 Issue 1 (2024)

We invite you to submit contributions for consideration for the 2024 issue of the South African Intellectual Property Law Journal. Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis, however, the final submission date for consideration for the 2024 issue is 30 July 2024.

Contributions on all aspects of intellectual property law which have relevance to Africa, and in particular South Africa, are welcome. Submissions should be in the form of articles between 5000 and 10 000 words, or notes between 3000 and 4000 words. Submissions must be of a scholarly nature and offer a contribution to the knowledge in the field. A maximum of three notes will be published per issue.

All contributions must conform to the SAIPLJ house style and must not have been published elsewhere. The SAIPLJ is an accredited journal and all submissions are subject to a double-blind peer review process.

Submissions and enquiries can be directed to the editors at
For further information, visit

Africa Journal of Crime and Justice (AJCJ) – Volume 3 Issue 1 (2024)

You are invited to submit a paper for possible inclusion in the Africa Journal of Crime and Justice with the theme “Decolonising the criminal justice system: Colonial legacies and contemporary problems”.

Africa Journal of Crime and Justice is housed in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, United States International University-Africa. This journal is hosted by Juta & Company, one of Africa’s preeminent publishers of quality Legal and Academic content and the current publisher of a stable of some twenty-five high-calibre research journals. The journal welcomes articles that address the theme above.

Your research is of great importance to us. Please indicate your intention to submit your full paper by emailing the editor-in-chief with the title of the paper, authors, and abstract. The full manuscript, as an MS Word file, should be emailed to the guest editor by the deadline indicated below. The paper should be between 5 000 and 8 000 words, and the book review should be between 500 and 1000 words. Authoring guidelines will be mailed to you after we receive your letter of intent.

Areas of interest for this journal issue include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Focusing on the relationship between criminal justice and the legacy of colonialism.
  • Broad interdisciplinary discussions of state and penal power, criminal and social justice.
  • Effects of colonialism and imperialism on criminal justice policies.
  • Addressing issues about the structure, remit, and aims of criminology and criminal justice.


Intent to submit: 31 May 2024

Abstract acceptance: 15 June 2024

Full paper version: 31 July 2024

Decision date: 31 August 2024

Final version: 30 November 2024

Date of publication: 28 February 2025


Submissions Enquiry

Juta invites both aspiring and established researchers to submit articles to our comprehensive range of law journals, which serve as a forum for jurisprudence within South Africa, Africa and beyond.

To submit a paper or for any other questions or comments related to any of our journals, please contact the Journals Product Manager: Ms Lita Spreeth at