Stellenbosch Law Review
Prof AM Louw (Editor)
ISSN: 1996-2193
Year: 2003 – Current
Published: Tri-annually
About this publication
The Stellenbosch Law Review is a forum for the discussion of topical legal issues in various fields. As a law review the emphasis is on providing insight rather than just an overview. It maintains a balance between a wide variety of specialist fields and legal subjects of general interest.
Volume / Issue
Volume 30 Issue 3, 2019
Constitutional accountability for public resources: the role of the auditor-general
Author: Kimi Makwetu
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 318-332 (2019 I3)
Tyrannical masters no more? Promissory insurance warranties after Viking Inshore Fishing (PTY) LTD v Mutual & Federal Insurance Co LTD
Author: Graham Glover
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 333-360 (2019 I3)
Reconsidering the state’s liability for harm arising from crime: the potential development of the law of delict
Author: Bernard Wessels
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 361-391 (2019 I3)
Making a case for recognition of women’s contribution in the legal framework for environmental conservation (in Uganda)
Authors: Charlotte Kabaseke and Emma Charlene Lubaale
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 392-414 (2019 I3)
Using a diagram as a teaching and learning tool for assessing the law of servitudes
Author: Gustav Muller
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 415-433 (2019 I3)
Judicial redress against a body corporate of a sectional title scheme for failure to comply with its maintenance obligations before and after the new sectional title legislation came into operation: discussion of Lyons v The Body Corporate of Skyways 2016 6 SA 405 (WCC)
Author: CG van der Merwe
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 434-446 (2019 I3)
Appeal against a decision by a political office bearer as postulated by Section 62 of the local government: municipal systems Act 32 of 2000: City of Cape Town v Reader revisited
Author: Clive Vinti
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 447-463 (2019 I3)
The interplay between proving living customary law and upholding the constitution
Author: TA Manthwa
Source: Stellenbosch Law Review, pp 464 (2019 I3)