Annual Survey of South African Law
Prof JT Pretorius (Chief); Former Deputy Chief Justice DE Moseneke; Justice LV Theron; Professor CF Forsyth; Professor G Glover; Professor CS Human; Professor VA Lawack; Professor G Marcus; Professor RA Sharrock; Professor N Smit; Professor CJ Visser; Professor DP Visser
ISBN: 978 1 48513 300 1
Year: 2012 – Current
Published: Annually
Category: Juta’s Law Journals
About this publication
This publication has been published, without interruption, since 1947. Produced in collaboration with the School of Law of the University of Witwatersrand, and then with the University of South Africa, the Annual Survey of South African Law is the original, authoritative annual review of the law in South Africa. The Annual Survey provides an exhaustive overview and analysis of the year’s developments by renowned judicial experts and commentators in their fields. The publication has established a well-deserved reputation as the invaluable reference resource and record of the state of South African law at any given time.
Volume / Issue
Table of Statutes
Authors: None
Source: Annual Survey of South African Law, pp ix – xxiv (2014)
Index to Sections
Authors: None
Source: Annual Survey of South African Law, pp 1167 – 1187 (2014)
Table of Cases
Authors: None
Source: Annual Survey of South African Law, pp xxv – lxvii (2014)
Unjustified Enrichment
Authors: Helen Scott
Source: Annual Survey of South African Law, pp 1160 – 1165 (2014)
Law of Taxation
Authors: Peter Surtees
Source: Annual Survey of South African Law, pp 1113 – 1159 (2014)
Public International Law
Authors: Hennie Strydom
Source: Annual Survey of South African Law, pp 1092 – 1112 (2014)
Pension Funds Law
Authors: Muthundinne Sigwadi
Source: Annual Survey of South African Law, pp 1080 – 1091 (2014)
Miscellaneous Contracts (Agency, Carriage, Deposit, Donation, Loan, Partnership, Service and Surety)
Authors: MM Koekemoer, JT Pretorius
Source: Annual Survey of South African Law, pp 1027 – 1079 (2014)
Mining Law
Authors: Michael O Dale
Source: Annual Survey of South African Law, pp 980 – 1026 (2014)
The Law of Succession (including Administration of Estates) and Trusts
Authors: MJ de Waal
Source: Annual Survey of South African Law, pp 953 – 979 (2014)