The Corporate Report
M King; M Kuper; A Van Wyk
ISSN: 2519-7886
Year: 2015 – Current
Published: Periodical (3 Issues per Annum)
About this publication
Companies today operate in an ever-changing environment. There is a plethora of new legislation impacting companies in South Africa, as well as new corporate reporting requirements and increasing stakeholder expectations. In the broader context, companies operate in the ‘new economy’ where more must be made with less and where governance, strategy and sustainability are inseparable. Today’s business leaders must indeed steer their ships well.
The Corporate Report offers business leaders topical, relevant articles written by experts in their fields. It aims to assist business and governance leaders make more informed decisions about corporate and governance issues, business judgement calls, and corporate reporting. It also sets out to provide information that is relevant for today’s company operating in a new economy created by the crises of global finance, climate change and ecological overshoot.
Volume / Issue
VOLUME 9 ISSUE 2, 2019
Elevating leadership: A model for leading from your best self
Authors: Gene Early and Chris Cooper
Source: The Corporate Report, pp 1 – 4 (2019 I2)
Women leaders thriving or failing in public finance
Author: Gillian Fawcett
Source: The Corporate Report, pp 5 – 8 (2019 I2)
Three studies on new approaches to leadership development
Authors: Sunny Stout-Rostron and Michael Taylor
Source: The Corporate Report, pp 9 – 19 (2019 I2)
Remembering to listen to our inner voice
Author: Liz Swinstead
Source: The Corporate Report, pp 21 – 25 (2019 I2)
If attention is the currency of leaders, time is the investment
Author: Mitzi Wyman
Source: The Corporate Report, pp 26 – 28 (2019 I2)
Compassionate followership: The emotional side of leadership
Author: Kathryn Waddington
Source: The Corporate Report, pp 29 – 33 (2019 I2)
The responsible company: Identifying and prioritising corporate responsibilities
Author: Athol Williams
Source: The Corporate Report, pp 34 – 42 (2019 I2)
Transformational leadership and work engagement in the automotive retail industry: A study of South Africa
Authors: Abhinanda Gautam and Eben Enslin
Source: The Corporate Report, pp 43 – 49 (2019 I2)