Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The

Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The

Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, The

Professor FT Abioye (LLB LLM LLD) (Chief Editor); Dr DT Mailula (B Proc LLB LLM LLD); Professor HCAW Schulze (Assessor Dr jur); Ms T Botha (BA Journ BA (Hons) MA)

ISSN: 2522-3062
Year: 2017 – 2019
Published: Tri-annually

About this publication

The journal is published three times a year (March, July, November). An important regular feature in each issue of CILSA is the review of current legal developments in Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. This is the only internationally available, regular update of legal developments in these countries.

CILSA is a peer-reviewed academic publication and is the recognized South African law journal with a wide international circulation and welcomes contributions from non-South African academics.


Volume 51 Issue 3, 2018