About this publication
The Yearbook of South African Law (YSAL) is an annual publication that aims to provide the legal fraternity – academics, students and practitioners – with an overview of developments in various areas of the law for a twelve-month period. A review period runs from 1 July of a particular year to 30 June of the following year.
The following publications are now available:
Volume / Issue
Volume 1
Index of Statutes and Cases 2020
Source: Yearbook of South African Law (2020)
Administration of Justice
Authors: Jason Brickhill, Hugh Corder, Dennis Davis and Gilbert Marcus
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, pp 1-69 (2020)
Administrative Law
Authors: Gabrielle Burns, Melanie Murcott and Stewart Payne
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, pp 70-96 (2020)
Children’s Law
Author: Amanda Barratt
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, pp 97-125 (2020)
Civil Procedure
Author: Danie van Loggerenberg
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, pp 126-154 (2020)
Companies and Close Corporations
Author: Richard Jooste
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, pp 155-226 (2020)
Constitutional Law
Authors: Michael Bishop and Jason Brickhill
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, pp 227-383 (2020)
Constitutional Property Law
Author: Nkanyiso Sibanda
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, pp 384-397 (2020)
Credit Law
Author: Michel Koekemoer
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, pp 398-433 (2020)
Criminal Law
Author: Gerhard Kemp
Source: Yearbook of South African Law, pp 434-460 (2020)