The regulation of copyright in digital trade: A case for the Southern African Development Community
Author Vongai Chimeri
ISSN: 2521-2591
Affiliations: Post doctoral fellow, Department of Mercantile Law, University of the Free State
Source: South African Intellectual Property Law Journal, 2024, p. 57-80
The protection of intellectual property rights, particularly copyright in digital trade, has raised concerns about the applicability of existing frameworks to the digital paradigm, especially considering that these frameworks were not negotiated in anticipation of intangible assets and content as central components of commercial transactions. Although digital trade presents an opportunity, particularly for small to medium enterprises in the Southern African Development Community to access new trading platforms and new business opportunities, it has also led to a surge of unlawfully distributed copyright-protected music, films, art, photos, scripts, books and software over the internet thereby causing serious losses for copyright holders. Enforcing copyright in digital trade is difficult as the infringer may be based in a different jurisdiction, often hiding under the veil of anonymity. It is in this context that this article examines the regulation of copyright in the Southern African Development Community and questions whether the existing framework effectively harmonises copyright law in a way that accommodates the technological developments in international trade. The article argues that the regulation of copyright in the Southern African Development Community is fragmented and, in many instances, outdated in dealing with the emerging digital paradigm. To this end, the article recommends the development of a regional framework on copyright. It submits that a regional framework that supports the creation, protection, administration and enforcement of copyright in digital trade can promote innovation and enhance competition thereby enabling Southern African Development Community countries to effectively participate in the digital trade.