The International Criminal Court and immunity: South Africa’s legal obligations
Author: Chelsea Anne Ramsden
ISSN: 2521-2621
Affiliations: LLM International Human Rights Law, University College Dublin; Legal Consultant, RSLV Legal
Source: African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law, 2022, p. 35 – 53
February 2022 marked the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation (Russia). The instantaneous and vehement reaction from the international community underscores the gravity of the situation. Calls for Russian President Vladimir Putin (President Putin) to immediately halt the invasion and cease the perpetration of senseless attacks and atrocities against the people of Ukraine resounded across nearly every corner of the globe. The invasion has garnered international attention, and there have been many calls for accountability—for President Putin and for those under his command who committed these acts on his orders. Various organisations and academic circles have already delved into this query, with suggestions ranging from establishing specialised ad hoc or hybrid tribunals to prosecuting individuals implicated in crimes within Ukraine.