Legal Protection of the Environment from Negative Impacts of Extractive Operations in Tanzania
Authors Elifuraha Laltaika
ISSN: 2521-2613
Affiliations: Law Lecturer and Director of Research and Publications at Tumaini University Makumira (Arusha, Tanzania)
Source: Africa Nazarene University Law Journal, 2017, Issue 1, p. 38 – 57
This article provides analysis of the extent to which the legal, policy and institutional framework of Tanzania protects the environment against the negative impacts of extractive operations financed by foreign direct investment. Environmental impact assessment, policy coherence, institutional co-ordination, enforcement of decisions, access to information, recourse mechanism and stakeholder representation are used as guiding tools for analysis, where applicable or appropriate. Extractive operations cannot be conducted without causing some degree of environmental destruction. This article promotes the view that policy and legislative measures cannot be sole antidotes for the environmental and social challenges being faced in the extractive sector. Robust legal and policy frameworks, combined with good governance adherence, including human rights observance, can be catalytic in attaining sustainable economic growth.