Lecture Critique De La Loi Camerounaise Relative a La Recherche Medicale Impliquant La Personne Humaine
Author: Sylvie Ngamaleu Djuiko
ISSN: 2521-2605
Affiliations: Enseignante à la Faculté des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques, Université de Yaoundé II (CAMEROUN)
Source: Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, Volume 11 Issue 1, p. 84 – 118
The use of humans for medical research raises sensitive issues, as a number of interests may come into conflict, and human dignity may be threatened. Hence, there is a need to protect research participants. For this reason, the mere existence of the new law is a step forward in that it fills a legislative gap. But this is not its only merit, as the law attempts to strike a balance between the interests involved by prohibiting certain practices and requiring the free and informed consent of research participants, even for research conducted on cadavers.