Is there a positive relationship between investment policies and inward foreign direct investment flows? A study of Nigeria and Guinea-Bissau
Authors S Mzezewa and L Mavhuru
ISSN: 1996-2088
Affiliations: PhD candidate UCT; PhD candidate UCT
Source: Acta Juridica, 2018, p. 97 – 112
In recent years foreign direct investment (FDI) has been identified as an important tool for economic development in Africa. Most countries on the continent have put various measures in place, including legislation, to ensure that they attract FDI. Given the role that FDI plays in development, it is important to understand why some countries attract more FDI than others. While there are several factors that explain this disparity, this essay examines the role played by a country’s investment policies and regulatory environment in attracting FDI, paying particular attention to Nigeria and Guinea-Bissau.