South African Tax Review

Submit a Paper

General Queries: (Editor-in-Chief)

Submissions: (Editor-in-Chief)

Style Guide

As editors, we welcome the submission of original manuscripts in English for possible publication after double blind peer review in the first two issues of the journal. We also welcome draft papers for vetting and input from our panel of experts, who can assist authors to reach their full potential and develop their contributions into completed articles, analyses or case notes prior to peer review. A small stipend will be paid to authors whose contributions are accepted for publication.

In particular, authors are asked to acquaint themselves with the house style of the SATR, and to make the effort to place any submission in the style of the SATR. A comprehensive guide to what is required appears on the following web page:

Comprehensive Guide

Authors are encouraged to examine this document carefully, and to comply with its requirements. Manuscripts which do not show any attempt to comply with the house style will, regrettably, be returned to authors with a request to do so before the substance of the manuscript will be considered.

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